Physical Therapy

Kristen Ziesmer, Sports Dietitian - 3 Hacks to Eliminate Piriformis Syndrome Pain

3 Hacks to Eliminate Piriformis Syndrome Pain

In this video clip, I demonstrate 3 easy ways to release tightness and eliminate pain from Piriformis Syndrome. Piriformis Syndrome is something that I personally struggled with from having two kids, and it’s very common in athletes, runners, hikers, weight lifters and impacts anybody who’s active. What is the piriformis muscle? Your piriformis is a […]

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Kristen Ziesmer, Sports Dietitian - Exercise is Medicine - Diabetes Management and Physical Activity

Exercise is Medicine: Diabetes Management and Physical Activity

Why is exercise and physical activity considered the top medicine for diabetes management? In this guest blog, learn about the power of exercise for reducing the impact of diabetes. Although everyone can benefit from physical activity, individuals with diabetes can significantly improve their overall health by exercising regularly. Studies have shown that exercise can actually

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Got a Headache? Physical Therapy Can Help You!

Are you someone that experiences a  headache monthly, weekly, or even daily? You could benefit from physical therapy treatment! Headaches can be caused by a large range of conditions such as vascular problems, sinus issues, muscular issues, and joint related issues. Physical therapists treat headaches that originate from the musculoskeletal system. These are commonly caused by muscle

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