Kristen Ziesmer, Sports Dietitian - Is Organic Healthier Than Conventional

Is Organic Healthier Than Conventional?

Is eating organic healthier, and worth spending the extra money?

In this video, I break down the benefits, when organic is a must, and when it’s okay to relax and buy conventional foods.

Comparing the health benefits of organic versus non-organic food can be confusing, and leave many people wondering if the extra cost of the grocery bill is worth it.

The fact is, organic is indeed healthier for you, and superior in quality to non-organic. The research shows that organic produce contains more phytochemicals, antioxidants, nutrients, and of course less pesticides.

But what if you can’t afford, or have access to an all-organic diet?

The good news is there is a middle ground. Watch the video to learn:

✔ Why you need to know about the “clean 15 versus the dirty dozen”
✔ Why the thickness of produce skin makes a difference
✔ What I draw the line on, and the reason to only consume organic milk
✔ Why eating a balanced diet will be of greatest benefit, organic or not

My suggestion is to purchase organic when possible on many items mentioned in this video, but to know when to relax on other foods.

Confused about what diet is best for you, to support your goals and performance? Check out The Sustainable Sports Nutrition Academy? This comprehensive program is packed with 10+ years of my experience of supporting athletes, all in one step-by-step program that’s based on science. Learn more HERE!

Contact me any time to schedule a free 15-minute consultation, so we can discuss your particular situation and goals.

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